Our busy first half of 2024

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  First half of 2024 Wow, does anyone else think that those first 6 months have gone so fast? Normally on our farm its easy to see the year passing us by as we watch the seasons change, but it’s only just started to feel like Spring in the last few weeks! The terrible weather meant that our donkeys were indoors for weeks longer than usual, but they’ve been terrifically well behaved and we did have to give them some toys to keep them occupied. I’m sure anyone who follows our social media will have noticed how happy they are now that they’re back in the field (up to mischief!) along with their 3 horse friends. This year is also exciting for both of our tree thicket and our orchard too. Over the last month, on fine days, myself and Chris have headed down to the trees to remove the ‘jackets’...

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Am I married to Jeremy Clarkson?

jeremy clarkson

This week’s blog is somewhat different to the usual – since this week, instead of doing our own farm work, we have instead been watching Jeremy Clarkson making a meal out of making meals! We were sitting in the lounge laughing away at Mr Clarkson making a measly £144 and drawing so many parallels of the perils of farming that we realised that our wacky farm had its own version of the Diddly Squat Farm family. So, without further ado, introducing: Chris, as Jeremy Clarkson My husband is Clarkson-like for his silly outbursts and love of cars before he even began farming, but now it seems they are even more similar! I saw Jeremy planting all his veg, and it brought back vivid memories of our own time last year when Chris came into the house and proudly exclaimed that he had bought an inordinate amount of pumpkin seeds – brimming...

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